Fundamentals - basic and advanced

*$150 - $175 * Early Bird Register up to 1 month before camp start date


Ages 8-12 (Basic)

Basic I:  Mondays/Wednesdays- June 3,5,10,12,17,19,24,26 (6:45-7:45pm)

Basic II:  Mondays/Wednesdays- July 8,10,15,17,22,24,29,31 (6:45-7:45pm)


Ages 13-18 (Advanced)

Advanced I: Tuesdays/Thursdays- June 4,6,11,13,18,20,25,27 (6:45-7:45pm)

Advanced II: Tuesdays/Thursdays- July 9,11,16,18,23,25,30, Aug 1 (6:45-7:45pm)


The Fundamental training program provides an ideal training environment for aspiring players. The inclusive program focuses on the technical development of  all participants. Individual techniques and the application of those techniques in game situations. Core concepts include Turning, Dribbling, Running with the Ball, Passing, Screening, Receiving Skills, ball striking and overall ball mastery. The training program is divided into Basic and Advanced. Participants will be assessed and placed in the appropriate level to best develop their individual technique and understanding.